Collections ·

Replace Paper Towels

Replace Paper Towels

Replace Paper Towels

Roll over, paper towels

Switch to renewable, all-purpose, organic cotton cloths to eliminate 2+ rolls of disposable paper towels from your weekly trash pile. 

Our Top Pick

Members save 40%

Wire Basket with Set of 15 Tidy Cloths


Mighty Nest has found a durable, functional, eco-friendly basket to pair with our favorite Tidy Dish Cloths so you can ditch paper towels while keeping your kitchen counter super tidy! The StorageNest basket is a hand-woven wire creation with a natu...
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wipe, dry, repeat

At MightyNest, we like to keep it simple. Our Collections help you discover healthy green changes that make a difference. Each Collection introduces a goal-driven family of products plus ideas for using them.


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