Cathedral Grove Mind & Body Wash by Bathing Culture
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About Bathing Culture

We’d started making soap back in the summer of 2015, long days found us escaping our office jobs in downtown San Francisco, jumping on our bikes and racing the sunset across the Golden Gate Bridge into the rambling trails of the Marin Headlands. Streaked with mud and sweat, we’d joke we’d never be able to get clean. As we surfed and climbed, soaked and sweated, our running dirty joke became an obsession. Returning home from our epic adventures, we found that run-of-the-mill body wash couldn’t hold up. It stripped our skin of moisture, was full of toxic synthetics, and smelled bad, or was watery and weak. The more we learned the more we realized the personal care industry is profoundly broken. Sourcing, raw goods, production, packaging, and performance have all been sacrificed for profit. Personal and environmental health are taking a major hit from personal care products. Bathing was our reward and reset, but the soap we were using couldn’t have been further from where we wanted to be. From the salty smell of sand dunes to the crisp mountain air, we do everything we can to connect people to the places where we play. There's a better way and we're charting it. Working under the supervision of Mt Tamalpais, we made thousands of batches of soap before arriving at our Holy Grail. Bathing Culture HQ is located in San Francisco, typically on Ocean Beach, out past the first breakers, where the waves are clean and the surfing gets dirty.