6 Ways to Keep Your Whole Family Healthy This Fall

1. SLEEP: Since we know that sleep plays an important role in regulating the immune system, it's best to maintain a minimum of 7 hours a sleep/night in order to effectively fight off a virus. We know this is also key for children and having a bedtime ritual intact certainly reminds the brain that it's time to snooze. TIP: If your child has a difficult time falling asleep, try using this calming blend of essential oils appropriately called Nighty Night along with the carrier oil of your choice. Mix a small amount of carrier oil plus 3-4 drops of essential oil blend in the palm of your hand. Apply to your child's feet for a quick foot massage, to their temples or rub on their chest. The calming scents of lavender, clary sage and chamomile will help your child drift into dreamland. Alternately, you can add 3drops and 1/2 cup of Epsom salts to their bath or diffuse during the night.

2. VITAMIN BOOST: Vitamins play an important role in bodily function such as metabolism, immunity, and digestion. This may seem doable just by eating healthy foods. Sometimes the whole family could use a real boost from a vitamin supplement.

3. SEASONAL FOODS: Fresher produce that is purchased in season are likely to be eaten closer to harvesting and thus higher in nutritional value. Antioxidants like Vitamin C, folate, and carotenes rapidly decline in foods stored for periods of time. Fall and winter vegetables are perfect for roasting, in healthy stews, soups, casseroles and other warm meals. Our favorite go-to daily dose of vegetables is to roast them in the Creo Smartglass Baking pans.  

Roasted Carrots: Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Peel as many large carrots as you want (we typically use 8-10) and cut into 3-inch matchsticks. Place in large bowl. Pour in 2 TBLS of olive oil and then 2.5 tsp of spices: 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp cumin, 1/2 tsp red chili flakes, 1/2 tsp garlic powder, 1/2 tsp curry powder. Mix everything by hand and place in a roasting pan. Roast for 35 minutes until they are roasted through.

4. HYDRATE: For optimal health, you gotta stay hydrated. Every single part of our bodies depends on water to function properly. And since our bodies are more than 60% water, we can easily get dehydrated, even if we don't feel thirsty. Drinking water is not only a great way to “crowd-out” unhealthy beverages, like sugary drinks, caffeine, and alcohol, but it’s also KEY to supporting your kidneys, one of the body’s most important detox organs. They’re basically your body’s “trash collectors.” Drinking enough water regulates our body temperature, lubricates our joints and helps transport nutrients to give us energy and keep us healthy. We choose reusable BPA-free water bottles to keep with us throughout the day to ensure that we're properly hydrated. 

5. SOAK: In addition to an overall comforting feeling from a warm bath, an elevated body temperature actually helps our immune system function more efficiently and it the perfect pre-bed ritual. After a warm bath, our bodies start to cool down, prompting a signal to start producing melatonin, the hormone that induces sleep. The steam from the bath also clears out the nasal passages as well as reducing inflammation. Smart Soaks Healing Bath Salts add to the experience and are made in three scents: lavender, grapefruit, and eucalyptus.

6. IMMUNE SUPPORT: Long hours at work, busy fall schedules, and less-than-par nutrition can all contribute to an immune system that needs a boost. Both Immune Aid and Immune Boom (for kids) are ideal essential oil blends to use in a diffuser or apply with a carrier oil to the chest and bottoms of the feet.

What are your go-to methods to keep your family healthy in the fall?