Clean up a park, beach, or trail

We’ve trained our kids well, to love the earth and not litter. So where is all this stuff coming from? Especially in the spring, when melting snow exposes layers of buried trash, those first joyful visits to the playground or beach can be marred by the the sight of trash.

Be an agent of positive change in your neighborhood by taking your family or youth group out on a cleanup mission of your favorite park, beach, or trail. Make it a lovelier place to be, while teaching them to care for their community. Singular acts of goodness unite us like nothing else.

All you need for a DIY cleanup:

  • -bags (for both trash and recycling to be separated later)

  • -reusable rubber or washable gloves

  • -close-toe shoes

Take the pledge and tell us about a local beautification effort you’re planning or have been involved in. From picking up trash, to planting trees, or re-painting the equipment at your local playground. Inspire others, and support your school in our current challenge!