Make a Kid Feel Special

As our children learn about their world and what they can do to make it a better place, we challenge you to support them with some extra attention. Show them that you value who they are and what they know. The best thing you can do to bring a smile to their face is to truly listen. In our smartphone-always-on society, it can be difficult, but sooooo worth it.

Here are three ideas to get you started.

1. Surprise them with a note of encouragement.

A well placed note -- on the bathroom mirror, bedtime pillow, or in their lunchbox reminds your child that you’re thinking of them.  Simply scribble something on a sticky note or take an extra few seconds to cut out a paper heart. If you want to get fancy, check out these fun printable lunchbox notes!

2. Read a book together.

A new study from the UK revealed that only one in five parents of children seven or under read to their children at night these days. Don’t let this important activity become a thing of the past. If your child is older, let them read a favorite book to you!

3. Let your child be your teacher.

Show interest in what your child is learning especially when it’s different from what you think you already know. If they suggest a new way of doing something, give it a try. And once in a while, consider handing the reigns over completely and let them make all the decisions about an activity like making dinner or planning a family outing.  It’s a great way to build their self esteem and leadership skills, and our own flexibility!