Members Only Back to School Lunch Gear Sale

10% off of Lunch Gear + FREE Shipping

We have a special offer for MightyFix subscribers this Back to School season. In addition to receiving free shipping on any item you purchase and ship with your MightyFix, we are also offering 10% off all of our Lunch Gear and Kids' Water Bottles items (except items that are already on sale).  The sale runs through 8/31/16 so you can get everything you need for a waste free lunch this year.

How does the Back to School Sale work for existing members?  

If you're already a MightyFix Member or MoonPack Subscriber, simply login to your MightyNest account, add lunch gear to your cart, and use promo code LUNCHGEAR10 at checkout.  Be sure to login because the code only works for members.  Free shipping will be listed at checkout to ship it with your MightyFix.


Not a member yet?

First, Signup for the MightyFix here and then after signup you will be able to use the promo code LUNCHGEAR10 on future checkout.

What's included in the sale? *

Everything in our Lunch Gear and Kids' Water Bottles sections qualify for the 10% discount except for those items already on clearance.  Clearance items will be marked with a special "strikethrough" price in red.  Everything else in those sections is 10% off the listed price with the promo code .


*cover photo font "ClassProjectNBP" courtesy of creative commons by-sa