Sideline must-haves

So much goes in to preparing your little athlete for each game, that it’s easy to overlook the things you need to bring for yourself or other family members watching the game from the sidelines.

Beyond the obvious chairs and blankets, here are five things you should always have on hand when cheering your child’s team to victory … especially if you have younger ones in tow.

Healthy snacks and ice packs

Keep your cheering section happy by bringing along a few reusable containers filled with healthy snacks like fruit, crackers or granola bars.  But don’t forget the ice packs. They’ll keep things cool and may even come in handy for any minor injuries on the field.

Reusable water bottles

In many places, fall temps can be in the 90s, making hydration crucial not only for the athletes, but spectators too. It’s a good idea to have a safe water bottle for each member of your family that will hold enough to last the whole game.

Games and toys

I haven’t met a toddler (or tween) who’s able to sit through an entire game without some sort of distraction. Bringing a few age appropriate toys or games will increase your chances of actually getting to watch the main event. You don’t want to miss that goal!

Hand sanitizer and tissue

When it comes to outdoor sports, clean, stocked bathrooms aren’t always (or ever) a given. Be ready for anything by bringing your own tissue or toilet paper and hand sanitizer along with you. Better to be safe than sorry.

Wet/dry bag

The kids on the field usually aren’t the only ones getting dirty! Having a few wet/dry bags on hand will help you keep the dirty from the clean.

Pledge to pack your spectator bag in advance and support your school in our current challenge!