Dirty Dozen Quiz

As much as we'd like to serve our families only organic fruits and veggies, they just aren't always affordable, or even available. And when it comes to conventionally grown produce, washing your fruits and veggie before you eat them isn't always enough. In fact,  the Environmental Working Group detected pesticide residue on 67% of food samples even after they had been washed or peeled. That's why making informed choices is key. 

Check out the Dirty Dozen list of the most important things to buy organic if at all possible, and the Clean Fifteen of fruits and veggies that you don't have to worry as much about. Above all, remember that the health benefit of eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies is considered to outweigh the risk of pesticide exposure.  

Take this quick quiz to test your awareness of the safest produce to buy, and and support your school in our current challenge!