Stop your idling

Did you know that turning off your car when you’re going to be stopped for more than 10 seconds (yes, that’s seconds, not minutes!) not only reduces harmful emissions, it can also save you a bunch of money? It used to be that turning your car off and on wasted more fuel and was harder on the engine than letting it run -- No more! Todays electronic engines start more efficiently and do not need to warm up before driving. In fact, the best way to warm up your engine is to actually drive the car. That’ll get your heater working faster, too.

Turning the car off while waiting to pick your kids up from school, extracurriculars, the park, etc is especially important since children are most affected by pollution. Not only are their precious lungs still developing, they also breathe 50% more air per pound of body weight than adults and, of course, are breathing closer to the ground (and tailpipes!) 

Find out more about the costs and effects of idling and rethink your habits by taking this quiz. Then make sure to enter our current challenge!