Simply replace plastic wrap & foil with reusable alternatives in a variety of materials, shapes, & sizes.
Shop all 25 itemsOne reusable bag can replace hundreds, even thousands of disposables baggies in its lifetime. Safe & durable materials protect foods from toxins & plasticizers. Compostable options too!
Shop all 39 itemsAir-tight, reusable containers made from non-leaching materials like glass, stainless steel & silicone keep food-fresh and keep disposables out of the landfill.
Shop all 28 itemsBuying in bulk is a great way to avoid single-use packaging and keep ingredients on hand for home cooked meals. Keep the pantry organized with air-tight & plastic-free containers.
Shop all 11 itemsProlong the life of fruits, veggies, breads, & cheeses to minimize food waste.
Shop all 11 items