Full Circle

About Full Circle
It’s a simple reality: our product choices are limited to what we can find on store shelves. And more often than not, products that are the most accessible aren’t always the most eco-friendly. Or good looking. That’s just the way it’s been for ages. But the game has changed—with Full Circle’s line of stylish, functional products made from sustainable and renewable resources. Like scrub brushes with sleek, bamboo handles and sponges made from cellulose, a plant-based fiber. They’ve even made pot scrubbers that fully biodegrade! Important behind-the-scenes changes are happening at Full Circle, too—such as improved working conditions, cleaner manufacturing methods and higher environmental standards. Even their suppliers have come around to their way of thinking. (They’re kind of persuasive that way.)At Full Circle, we believe in constantly striving to do things better. Because while there may be a finite number of resources in the world, there’s an infinite number of ways to use them more wisely. And figuring out how to do that is what gets us up every morning.